Akron Symphony Chorus to hold auditions in August
The Akron Symphony Chorus and Chorus Director Chris Albanese will hold auditions for new members, returning members and section leaders for the 2021-22 season on August 9, 10, 11, 13 and 28 at Faith Lutheran Church in Fairlawn. Auditions are by appointment only.
The upcoming season for the Chorus includes (amongst others) performances with the Akron Symphony Orchestra of Haydn’s The Creation, the annual Home for the Holidays concert; and stand-alone performances of Libby Larsen’s The Settling Years, Jennifer Higdon’s Southern Grace and selections from Hildegard von Bingen’s Symphoniae.
Responsibilities for paid section leaders include:
- Providing vocal leadership and assisting the conductor in leading sectional rehearsals.
- The audition will consist of 1 aria/art song, 1 prepared choral excerpt and sight singing.
Vocal placements for chorus members consist of:
- A brief vocalize/range check
- Singing an excerpt, which will be provided when you schedule your vocal placement
- Sight-Reading
To schedule an audition, or for more information, please contact Brenda Justice, Coordinator of Choral Programs, by phone at 330.535.8131 or by email at bjustice@akronsymphony.org.